Saturday 23 February 2013

Yes!..Its about me :)

Lets seee.Ok I'm not going to make this too official.hmm...My name is Vinoth which I think many would have guessed since my blog is also named the same.Age 21(yeah,I just hit the "BIG" 21) but everything feels the same..I still get firing from my parents if I come back home late.."HAHA"...Parents will always be the same I guess,But that's what they do best!..CARE FOR US...

Im the one with the white t-shirt.

Ok lets get to the reason why I'm staring this blog.It's all because I have not much to do at home,so instead I've decided to write what I'll be doing on my daily routines .Owh here comes the reason why I named my blog 'SMILE'. Well,A wise man once never told me that It's wrong to smile all the time so I decided to do so.Yes!.I smile almost all day long..There was once when I was 10 years old I was getting firing from my class teacher for not finishing up my homework and guess what I was doing..?..."SMILING"..She got soo annoyed and called my dad to school and all  my balloons burst that day.!.But I went back home smiling..There is no use of regretting I guess?..So SMILE and make others Smile as well.. :)

Well I do drink at times(socially) But I don't smoke ciggs.The funny part is,I do smoke shisha..!..Well its because of the flavours I would say.I like sports(represented my beautiful country at International Junior Athletics Meets)..Nyeh nyeh nyeh.!.

My circle of friends are mostly my childhood friends.Most of them are from my primary school whom went to the same high school and many of them are from my high school..Thanks to social media!...

Owh yeah,By the way I'm from KUALA LUMPUR.From the small town named Kepong.. :)

I think I should stop writing about myself since I would be writing lotsa stuff about my self soon...By the way,I will also be writing about Football(EPL) mainly(Manchester United) but you guys could drop me request for other teams(need to do a little homework before I write) and Champions leagues maybe(my views on the games and if possible The out comes of the game! ;D) most probably I will write about the games the night before the game or maybe few hours before the game :) ...I will also be posting about Healthy food and diet(My daily experiences from what happens around me)..

That's It for now I guess. 



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