Saturday 23 February 2013

The Shake From Harlem

Its stupid.! Its annoying.! BUT ITS GONE VIRAL.!...WHY..?

This 'Shake' thing is soo popular that I'm unable to find the original version(If there's any).All they do is stay still for the first few seconds and they start shaking all of a sudden.It doesn't even make sense why this move would go viral..Maybe It's because the moves are just too simple..?.Every Tom,Dick and Harry is coming up with their own version.!

Maybe It's because most of the dances last for atleast 5 minutes,but this Harlem Shake lasts only about 30 seconds?.!. Well I guess since many aren't all that creative they are for sure not going to come up with anything new.With little effort everyone could make a video on Harlem Shake..!!..

Here is a stat that I grabbed from google:
The popularity of the Herlem Shake seems like its increasing day by day.Maybe many are't even aware what's this is all about.

This is the meaning of 'Harlem Shake' that I read.It actually says that the Shake is an accentric upper body dance move that involves the shaking of upper torso and shoulders.!.It was introduced in 1981 by a Harlem, New York City resident named "AL BM",the dance apparently was referred as "Albee" after his name,but somehow it was renamed as"Harlem Shake"By the way,the popularity of the dance move peaked around 2001 when it was featured in songs by several New-York based Hip-Hop artists such as Jadakiss,Cam'ron and P.diddy.

So finally after searching here and there I managed to read up about the history of the dance move I bet there are still many other Videos that would be going viral very soon since everyone is trying to do something to gain stardom .HAHA!.....

First it was Gangnam Style, now It's Harlem Shake, Whats Next!..???


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