Monday 25 February 2013

It's time for the Oscars.!

The Oscars eh..?...Then what is the Academy Awards..?...Well they are the same thing,It's just that Academy Awards are "marketed " as the Oscars. :) .HMMM,seems like this year Oscars isn't going to be something to be missed.!.. With Lincoln being in most of the nominees I think This should be an interesting show.

Life of Pi was the talking of the town when it was released in cinemas,many said it was because of the story the movie had,I have a few friends whom are working on ships and they recommended me to watch the movie  if I wanted to know what their life as seaman was like.So this movie touched many citizens hearts I would recon. 

This year's Oscars is not going to be any different,with many world class performance I bet this award show is going to be a big hit.!. The opening act of the award show Aerosmith whom will be performing 'Dream On' and followed by Adele with her soundtrack for Bond.The likes of Hugh Jackman,Jennifer Hudson,Norah Jones and many other artists will be performing during the historical award show..Btw I never knew Hugh Jackman could sing!

Errr thats all I know about the Oscars for now...Eh wait,I forgot about Seth MacFarlane,He will be hosting the Oscars this year!. :)


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