Wednesday 27 February 2013

Dog knows when they are on duty.

...All of a sudden my cousin called me today to inform me that RODY has passed away.I was broken.Well,Who is rody.?..He's a companion I had exactly 13 years back,Yes 13 years back I was 8 then.He was only 6 months old but tall and well built for a rottweiler.I named him Rody cause back then I used to watch wrestling and Rock was my Favourite.Don't ask me How did Rock become Rody,I was only 8 and before all the education corrupted me,creativity was still flowing in my mind.

Rody came to my home when I was just too small to handle a rottweiler but I didn't worry much because he was my first dog and I was really excited.Me and my cousin would wash him every fortnight and my job during his shower was to kill the ticks.I still remember hunting for ticks in between his paws behind his ears and all those warm spots.I would walk him every evening,haha he was the boss of the neighbourhood all the dogs would shut themselves up when he's around.My dad always advised me not to bring Rody for walk as he is too strong for me to handle and even my dad himself finds it difficult to handle him.He was never like that to me,I could unleash him and he would come back to me if I were to give him a command.He was my boy.

He always sleeps during the day,..CHHHOOOOO...,He spills his water and sleeps on it,the heat I guess..Smart bugger..During the night,He stays awake and guards the house.He only goes back to sleep when my mum get up in the morning. :) .. Everyone loved him at home!... But 6 months passed and Rody grew bigger and mum said he had to go because we have insufficient space for him.I had no choice but to let him go.I cried every night thinking of him.Haihhh..but he wasn't far.My cousin sent him to his friends place so that we could still visit him.I was kinda happy to hear that.I visited him alot throughout the years.He remembered me,I would remove his new leash and use my leash that I used to have on him and take him for a walk.:)

Now thinking that I can't do that anymore,It kinda saddens me but I think I can handle it now..



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