Wednesday 27 February 2013

Taj Mahal...The hidden Truth...!

So this is how this post started...I was watching some videos on you tube and got carried away.I bumped into this videos about Taj Mahal and its truth..?...WTH!...Since I was a kid everyone around me has been telling me that Taj Mahal is the symbol of Love..and now I get a new story,after all these years.

Lets get down to what I got to know today.Well this guy named Prof P.N Oak's apparently has some foundation to say that Taj Mahal was never tomb.S all this while my teachers were fooling around with me eh,Bloody Hell.

Pinnacle of Taj Mahal

This patterns can also be seen inside the Taj Mahal..Well we as general beings have learnt to nod head to all the stories that has been said and never once thought of searching more about it.!..But this guys just didn't sit down and wanted to find out more about this beautiful structure and boy what did he do..?...He challenged the country's explanation on Taj Mahal..!.He believes the world has been dubbed and believes that Taj Mahal is actually a Temple.

Seem like Taj Mahal was know as 'Tejo Mahayala' hundreds of years back.During his research,he found out that this structure was actually usurped by Shah Jahan from the Maharaja of Jaipur.Here is something interesting,Shah Jahan actually agreed that a beautiful grand mansion was from someone for the burial of Mumtaz(The ex maharaja of jaipur still retains tho two orders in his secret collection).This guy also pointed out that none of the Muslims were carrying the name Mahal nor did any buildings so the fact that the term Taj Mahal is actually derived from Mumtaz Mahal doesn't make any sense...Well he has a point there though.So anyone knows the actual name of Mumtaz???...Well hehe,its Mumtaz-ul-Zumani,thats something I didn't know.Haihhh,I hate History..

Pavilion where Mumtaz is said to be buried

HAHA..OK now this one is funny..Sample from the door corridor was taken and carbon dated,guess what?..It was 300 years older that Shah Jahan himself...Further more,this European traveller named John Albert Mandelslo whom visited Agra in 1638,only 7 years after Mumtaz's death makes no reference that the building was being built.There are also writing of and Englishmen whom visited Agra within 1 year of Mumtaz 's death suggested that the 'Taj' was a very well know building even before Shah Jahan.(LOL.)

OK,now this is always the interesting part,SEALED DOORS.Mr.Oak also pointed out that many rooms and doors in Taj Mahal have remained sealed since Shah Jahan's time are still inaccessible 

Secret brick door

Mr.Oak also wrote a book regarding this but it was never allowed into India as they feared it would cause political backlash.Soooo,this is what I learnt today...Now I'm more keen to visit this place myself..!Arghhh...


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