Thursday 28 February 2013

4th gen of Samsung Galaxy S4

A new rumor pegs March 15 as the launch date for Samsung's fourth generation Galaxy S smartphone, with retail availability kicking off in Europe first a few weeks later.
SamMobile reported Wednesday that Samsung is planning to announce the Galaxy S4 handset at an event tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 15.
While Samsung has yet to confirm such an event on that date, an unnamed "trusted insider" has spilled the beans on the company's internal launch plans for the S4.
Should this rumor pan out, it means Samsung is likely to skip launching the smartphone at Mobile World Congress later this month, instead choosing to focus on its own solo event.

Samsung fans may have to wait just a bit longer than mid-March to actually get their hands on the Galaxy S4, rumored to be powered by an eight-core Exynos 5 Octa processor with Mali-T658 GPU.
The report claims the Korean manufacturer will first roll the handset out across Europe in early April, followed by Asia later in the month and continuing on to America, Australia and Africa in May and June.
Samsung's next-generation handset is said to come in black or white, sporting a 4.99-inch Super AMOLED Full HD display, 2GB RAM, 13MP rear camera for 1080p video at 30fps and a 2MP front-facing camera capable of shooting 720p HD videos.
Curiously, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is expected to arrive running the current Android Jelly Bean 4.2.1, rather than a newer 4.2.2 update Google is reportedly rolling out.

This article was taken from

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Dog knows when they are on duty.

...All of a sudden my cousin called me today to inform me that RODY has passed away.I was broken.Well,Who is rody.?..He's a companion I had exactly 13 years back,Yes 13 years back I was 8 then.He was only 6 months old but tall and well built for a rottweiler.I named him Rody cause back then I used to watch wrestling and Rock was my Favourite.Don't ask me How did Rock become Rody,I was only 8 and before all the education corrupted me,creativity was still flowing in my mind.

Rody came to my home when I was just too small to handle a rottweiler but I didn't worry much because he was my first dog and I was really excited.Me and my cousin would wash him every fortnight and my job during his shower was to kill the ticks.I still remember hunting for ticks in between his paws behind his ears and all those warm spots.I would walk him every evening,haha he was the boss of the neighbourhood all the dogs would shut themselves up when he's around.My dad always advised me not to bring Rody for walk as he is too strong for me to handle and even my dad himself finds it difficult to handle him.He was never like that to me,I could unleash him and he would come back to me if I were to give him a command.He was my boy.

He always sleeps during the day,..CHHHOOOOO...,He spills his water and sleeps on it,the heat I guess..Smart bugger..During the night,He stays awake and guards the house.He only goes back to sleep when my mum get up in the morning. :) .. Everyone loved him at home!... But 6 months passed and Rody grew bigger and mum said he had to go because we have insufficient space for him.I had no choice but to let him go.I cried every night thinking of him.Haihhh..but he wasn't far.My cousin sent him to his friends place so that we could still visit him.I was kinda happy to hear that.I visited him alot throughout the years.He remembered me,I would remove his new leash and use my leash that I used to have on him and take him for a walk.:)

Now thinking that I can't do that anymore,It kinda saddens me but I think I can handle it now..


Taj Mahal...The hidden Truth...!

So this is how this post started...I was watching some videos on you tube and got carried away.I bumped into this videos about Taj Mahal and its truth..?...WTH!...Since I was a kid everyone around me has been telling me that Taj Mahal is the symbol of Love..and now I get a new story,after all these years.

Lets get down to what I got to know today.Well this guy named Prof P.N Oak's apparently has some foundation to say that Taj Mahal was never tomb.S all this while my teachers were fooling around with me eh,Bloody Hell.

Pinnacle of Taj Mahal

This patterns can also be seen inside the Taj Mahal..Well we as general beings have learnt to nod head to all the stories that has been said and never once thought of searching more about it.!..But this guys just didn't sit down and wanted to find out more about this beautiful structure and boy what did he do..?...He challenged the country's explanation on Taj Mahal..!.He believes the world has been dubbed and believes that Taj Mahal is actually a Temple.

Seem like Taj Mahal was know as 'Tejo Mahayala' hundreds of years back.During his research,he found out that this structure was actually usurped by Shah Jahan from the Maharaja of Jaipur.Here is something interesting,Shah Jahan actually agreed that a beautiful grand mansion was from someone for the burial of Mumtaz(The ex maharaja of jaipur still retains tho two orders in his secret collection).This guy also pointed out that none of the Muslims were carrying the name Mahal nor did any buildings so the fact that the term Taj Mahal is actually derived from Mumtaz Mahal doesn't make any sense...Well he has a point there though.So anyone knows the actual name of Mumtaz???...Well hehe,its Mumtaz-ul-Zumani,thats something I didn't know.Haihhh,I hate History..

Pavilion where Mumtaz is said to be buried

HAHA..OK now this one is funny..Sample from the door corridor was taken and carbon dated,guess what?..It was 300 years older that Shah Jahan himself...Further more,this European traveller named John Albert Mandelslo whom visited Agra in 1638,only 7 years after Mumtaz's death makes no reference that the building was being built.There are also writing of and Englishmen whom visited Agra within 1 year of Mumtaz 's death suggested that the 'Taj' was a very well know building even before Shah Jahan.(LOL.)

OK,now this is always the interesting part,SEALED DOORS.Mr.Oak also pointed out that many rooms and doors in Taj Mahal have remained sealed since Shah Jahan's time are still inaccessible 

Secret brick door

Mr.Oak also wrote a book regarding this but it was never allowed into India as they feared it would cause political backlash.Soooo,this is what I learnt today...Now I'm more keen to visit this place myself..!Arghhh...

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Barcelona vs Real Madrid(Take 2)....Spanish Cup

Wokie dokie I'm back.But tonight isn't the same as the other nights.It's the EL-CLASSICO!.

Lately dubbed as Ronaldo vs Messi..Haihh come'on people,they're two footballers at their best.!.Tonight both the teams will be clashing for a place in the Spanish Cup finals,as many of you guys know Real Madrid are the defending champions and they are not going to let loose those grips from Cup.

Real Madrid practically have only The Spanish Cup and The Champions League to play for as the League is wayy beyond their reach.With the first leg of the fixture breaking even at 1-1 the second leg of which will be played tonight at the Nou Camp gives Barcelona a slight advantage,Away goal advantage.But anything could change,After their defeat to Milan last week Barcelona looked a little weak and vulnerable without their manager.

Expecting Madrid to go thorough

On the other hand we have Madrid whom will be playing their best  team tonight in order to atleast get the Domestic Cup under their belt.As many of this fixture has been very difficult to call,I'm going to take a risk and say that this game would end with same score line as the first leg and head into extra time,just to make things more interesting.!..I've never felt this reluctant write about a game but this fixture is such.!..Also,watch Ronaldo and his moves,If he is partnered with Benzema and Maria then Barca would struggle to stop these guys.!..HAHA!...Goals galore maybe....  :)..

Monday 25 February 2013

Can Spurs spur themself to 3rd place.

Harry Redknapp managed to get Spurs into the 4th spot last season.Looks like the Owners weren't happy with that and then came in Villa-Boas.Guessing that the Owners would want to finish slight better or finish at a better position this year.!.Well Spurs could have played the Champions League but 'Thanks' to some unexpected turnaround.!..

As a safety precaution This season I believe Spurs would want to finish 3rd in the league to firmly place themselves in the Champions League next season,well what an achievement that would be for AVB.!.finishing above the club that sacked him.Their magic spell would be ABRACADABRA,BALE THE SCORE-RARR...ha ha!....He,Gareth Bale has been on a very good form lately scoring goals for fun.So if they could get Bale running around like a kid with a new ball,He would cause hell alot of problems tonight.

But you can never underestimate West Ham,they have Hammered Chelsea at Upton Park,drew against Manchester United and Manchester City.So they are actually not an easy win at home!

If he loves you then you;re DOOMED

A draw and balanced game would be my choice,but if Bale is on song then there is no way stopping him..!.So keep your eyes peeled for Gareth Bale.

It's time for the Oscars.!

The Oscars eh..?...Then what is the Academy Awards..?...Well they are the same thing,It's just that Academy Awards are "marketed " as the Oscars. :) .HMMM,seems like this year Oscars isn't going to be something to be missed.!.. With Lincoln being in most of the nominees I think This should be an interesting show.

Life of Pi was the talking of the town when it was released in cinemas,many said it was because of the story the movie had,I have a few friends whom are working on ships and they recommended me to watch the movie  if I wanted to know what their life as seaman was like.So this movie touched many citizens hearts I would recon. 

This year's Oscars is not going to be any different,with many world class performance I bet this award show is going to be a big hit.!. The opening act of the award show Aerosmith whom will be performing 'Dream On' and followed by Adele with her soundtrack for Bond.The likes of Hugh Jackman,Jennifer Hudson,Norah Jones and many other artists will be performing during the historical award show..Btw I never knew Hugh Jackman could sing!

Errr thats all I know about the Oscars for now...Eh wait,I forgot about Seth MacFarlane,He will be hosting the Oscars this year!. :)

Sunday 24 February 2013

Fifa confirms that goal-line technology will be in place for the 2014 World Cup

Fifa announced plans on Tuesday to introduce the technology to the game’s flagship tournament and invited tenders from interested providers, and the Premier League later revealed that it was “close to entering a formal tendering process” as well.
Fifa hope to confirm which of four systems they have chosen by “early April” so the technology could be used at this
summer’s Confederations Cup in Brazil.
The game’s world governing body trialled the camera-dependent ‘Hawk-Eye’ and magnetic field-based ‘GoalRef’ at December’s Club World Cup after granting both licenses for worldwide use.
It is understood ‘Cairos’, which is similar to GoalRef, has passed Fifa tests and a licensing agreement is likely to be signed by next week, when it is also expected to be announced whether an unnamed fourth system has passed the testing phase.
Fifa said in a statement yesterday: “Fifa has decided to use GLT at the Fifa Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 and 2014 Fifa World Cup Brazil.
 Uefa president Michel Platini is against the proposals

The Eagle Is coming...PlayStation4

PlayStation 4 is coming out soon eh..?...Seems like everyone is competing to have the best gaming console favoured by many.!.

I still remember the first time I got my PlayStation 1 and it seemed bloody damn cool since I was only 10years old..*HAHA*..I used to play Fifa and Need For Speed and trust me I'm 21 now and I still play those two games but It's the newer version.Then came this (UPSR) exam when I was 12,It's the major exam in Primary level education which I'm still pondering the reason behind the exam..!..Anyways I was just too active in sports that year(2004) travelling here and there representing my school team in various sports. :).

Then It was July before I knew it and the exams were in 2 months time.*DOOMED*.My dad told me that I won't make it,he thought I was just gonna get an average result,I get why he said so,I Never Studied!..But I sat and studied because I know If at all I do well many rewards would be coming from my parents and relatives....*Drum Rolls*...Exam day was here and I still remember going to school and discussing with my friends about Manchester United's game that was played the night before-HAHA,kind Chillix eh-....

Well but then when the results came out I did well.Actually I scored straight A's,I was surprised!..
Then came PlayStation 2..I was holding my results with my right hand I remember,with my school uniform I  was brought to the mall and I got my PlayStation 2..haaa...But the sad part is, It stopped there.I'm still stuck with my second generation of PlayStation.

And now,I'm very well prepared to purchase PlayStation 4.

Here is the official picture of the Controller that comes with the 4th gen PlayStation that is expected to be released this Holidays.!!!

Saturday 23 February 2013

Battle for the second spot

I think It's time to look at the"Match Of The Week".It's going to be a match between 2nd placed Man City and 3rd placed Chelsea.!...Both are separated by only 4 points which means a win for Chelsea would take them just 1point behind Man City.

Chelsea is still in all the major Cup competition that they've played,The Fa Cup,European Cup and they are still fighting for the second spot in the EPL.With Spurs right behind their back Chelsea would be most probably Depending on their in-form unsung hero,Lampard.

Lately it looks like both the teams are equally matched.There has been a number of wins for both clubs against each other and a draw but if you look at this fixture 5 year ago whereby Chelsea didn't drop a single point
against Man City since year 2005 till 2009.!...But the team dimension of Man City has changed hugely Thanks to their new owners.!...

This weekends game would be a mouth watering clash between the two giants of EPL..

As the final verdict,I would say that It would be a much Balanced game BUT do expect Man City to go all in for it.!...

The Shake From Harlem

Its stupid.! Its annoying.! BUT ITS GONE VIRAL.!...WHY..?

This 'Shake' thing is soo popular that I'm unable to find the original version(If there's any).All they do is stay still for the first few seconds and they start shaking all of a sudden.It doesn't even make sense why this move would go viral..Maybe It's because the moves are just too simple..?.Every Tom,Dick and Harry is coming up with their own version.!

Maybe It's because most of the dances last for atleast 5 minutes,but this Harlem Shake lasts only about 30 seconds?.!. Well I guess since many aren't all that creative they are for sure not going to come up with anything new.With little effort everyone could make a video on Harlem Shake..!!..

Here is a stat that I grabbed from google:
The popularity of the Herlem Shake seems like its increasing day by day.Maybe many are't even aware what's this is all about.

This is the meaning of 'Harlem Shake' that I read.It actually says that the Shake is an accentric upper body dance move that involves the shaking of upper torso and shoulders.!.It was introduced in 1981 by a Harlem, New York City resident named "AL BM",the dance apparently was referred as "Albee" after his name,but somehow it was renamed as"Harlem Shake"By the way,the popularity of the dance move peaked around 2001 when it was featured in songs by several New-York based Hip-Hop artists such as Jadakiss,Cam'ron and P.diddy.

So finally after searching here and there I managed to read up about the history of the dance move I bet there are still many other Videos that would be going viral very soon since everyone is trying to do something to gain stardom .HAHA!.....

First it was Gangnam Style, now It's Harlem Shake, Whats Next!..???

Epl Saturday

So,the weekend is here and the Football weekend is also here...My favourite team will be playing today!.It's Manchester United...haha!...Well they are leading by 12points now which I think is kinda worrying,not because of anything but Im worried that they would get carried away with their comfortable lead at the top.

For their opponent this weekend which would be QPR(Queens Park Rangers) I think todays game is a DO or DIE situation which I assume they would play their life out to get a win.

Well QPR have failed to record a win against Manchester United since 1992..That's 21 years!!..Well when this kind of stats appear there's always a high chance of an upset coming.Since Rooney wont be with the team for this game I guess It would be Persie and Welbeck to start but everything could change.

For the final word and as a United fan I'm expecting a tough match since the Rangers are at home.Rangers do have their Good Days as they have not lost to Chelsea,Man City and Spurs during their latest meetings.So what I would advice all united supporters is that,Just sit back and watch the game for the fun of it. :)

Yes!..Its about me :)

Lets seee.Ok I'm not going to make this too official.hmm...My name is Vinoth which I think many would have guessed since my blog is also named the same.Age 21(yeah,I just hit the "BIG" 21) but everything feels the same..I still get firing from my parents if I come back home late.."HAHA"...Parents will always be the same I guess,But that's what they do best!..CARE FOR US...

Im the one with the white t-shirt.

Ok lets get to the reason why I'm staring this blog.It's all because I have not much to do at home,so instead I've decided to write what I'll be doing on my daily routines .Owh here comes the reason why I named my blog 'SMILE'. Well,A wise man once never told me that It's wrong to smile all the time so I decided to do so.Yes!.I smile almost all day long..There was once when I was 10 years old I was getting firing from my class teacher for not finishing up my homework and guess what I was doing..?..."SMILING"..She got soo annoyed and called my dad to school and all  my balloons burst that day.!.But I went back home smiling..There is no use of regretting I guess?..So SMILE and make others Smile as well.. :)

Well I do drink at times(socially) But I don't smoke ciggs.The funny part is,I do smoke shisha..!..Well its because of the flavours I would say.I like sports(represented my beautiful country at International Junior Athletics Meets)..Nyeh nyeh nyeh.!.

My circle of friends are mostly my childhood friends.Most of them are from my primary school whom went to the same high school and many of them are from my high school..Thanks to social media!...

Owh yeah,By the way I'm from KUALA LUMPUR.From the small town named Kepong.. :)

I think I should stop writing about myself since I would be writing lotsa stuff about my self soon...By the way,I will also be writing about Football(EPL) mainly(Manchester United) but you guys could drop me request for other teams(need to do a little homework before I write) and Champions leagues maybe(my views on the games and if possible The out comes of the game! ;D) most probably I will write about the games the night before the game or maybe few hours before the game :) ...I will also be posting about Healthy food and diet(My daily experiences from what happens around me)..

That's It for now I guess.